Just Say Yes

I’m a believer. You know those kinds of people. The woo woo ones. The ones who just know that there are fairies, spirits, a higher power. Yup that’s me now, but things weren’t always that spiritual up in this bitch.

I grew up Catholic light. I say that because that while my family embraced some of the teachings- both my parents went to a legit Catholic school, and we attended church, on the holidays…sometimes. God was there, I suspected, but never actually felt a connection to the man. Then in my early adolescence my Dad remarried and with my new family came Catechism, prayers before everything, and mandatory Sunday mass. I liked the idea of religion, and really enjoyed the singing in church, but didn’t feel any closer to something divine. I gave up on the idea of someone in the sky guiding me for years until a short stint with a born-again cult helped me work out my religion- me.

I know at first glance that seems like the total narcissistic ideal- the idea that I am God, but stay with me for a second. I had been questioning the existence of this thing called God for pretty much my entire life until one day in dance class it was made clear to me. While sweating and stretching and performing a particularly beautiful combination I felt him finally (or in my case her:) The inspiration for my life (the spirit if you will), didn’t live outside of me on some cloud overhead, but inside my heart. The feeling of being filled with a gift from something bigger than me was radiating from inside. God, or the universe as I call it, resides right here, in me.

This discovery changed everything. Suddenly I started to pay attention to the consciousness my intuition gave me. Should I date that guy? My gut got twisted and queasy, probably not the right fit. Should I pursue my dream of being in a Broadway show? Butterflies and fireworks of excitement. Yup. I’m right where I need to be. Don’t get me wrong, intuitive connection was and is a process. Some signals were ignored, some misread, but the gut didn’t lie. Like a weathervane my sixth sense was right on always in all ways. My life has been extraordinary trip since I learned how to say yes to the insight. From talking to others it seems like I’m not alone in the search for some guide and guru. Let me share with you the beauty of your God within how to tap into yours:

Pay attention

The first step to tapping into the Divine within is to simply stop, drop, and notice. Meditation is the most powerful tool to hear your inner voice. Starting with even just 5 minutes every morning will put you more in touch with your instincts. Letting the monkey mind chatter on will only distract you from the pure messages from the deep. Once you’ve started to quiet your mind, start noticing your body cues as well. Why do I feel tense whenever I speak to that friend? Every time I head into work I feel sick to my stomach, and conversely working with animals makes me feel like I’m on cloud nine? Your mind drops clues into our bodies, we just have to pay attention to the writing on the wall.

Be specific

Being a conduit for our higher selves is just the first step. I once heard that Prayer is speaking to God and Meditation is listening. Once you have the listening part down, start to set your intentions on what you want in your life. I’m not trying to get all Secret-y here but really, being specific on your ideal mate, job, or even vacation helps the universe deliver. Take time to dream, scheme, and then get specific. I LOVE doing vision boards to help my subconscious grasp the plan. Do your 50% and the divine can meet you with the other 50.

Get comfy with your vibes

Now you’re listening, getting clear and things seem good, but be aware. This is where things might freak you out. Opening yourself up to your inner wisdom will bring well, some serious learning. Suddenly the friend you thought was your bestie gives you a headache every time she calls. Maybe that relationship has out-grown its purpose and it is time to move on. As you open yourself up and ask the universe to intervene, it will and not always in the ways you thought it would. Just breathe and know that your intuition never steers you wrong. While some old relationships/habits/patterns may fall away, new, better serving ones will appear. Promise.

Just Say Yes

This is my favorite part of being an intuitive. When you get clear and comfy the universe will be eavesdropping on your shit. Suddenly you’ll find yourself saying, “I never go and see live music. I need to do more of that” and then BOOM! You’ll get a free ticket to see the Ting Tings (true story). But I digress, honestly it’s slightly spooky how your ability to manifest grows. Like they say, “be careful what you wish for”. Your inner guide is alert and ready to deliver, so when the things you have been wanting show up, JUST SAY YES. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth here kids, who knows where that concert could lead me or who I could meet on the dance floor. If anything you’ll start to feel whole and fulfilled since no one knows you better than you dear.


The Other Mat Class


The Pilates Virgin